Reduce Stress with some Meaningful Self Love this Holiday Season

Are you feeling ready to take on the holidays this year? I always love Christmas time, although it definitely brings with it some stress. Especially this year with Covid-19 still making its mark, the holidays will surely be a bit different than usual. That’s why I’ve done some brainstorming to find some simple ways to care for yourself this holiday season. With all the caring for others you do, I dare say you deserve it!

Organize your Space

I can’t say how huge this one is all the time, but especially during the holidays! I finally got our room more organized recently and started making our bed consistently…. wow can I feel the difference! Getting our space organized, one piece at a time, does wonders for my mental sanity!

Give Yourself Quiet Time

Turn off the sound of life and take some time to listen to yourself and your loved ones.

Read a Book


Bundle Up & Spend Time in the Sunshine

Go for Walks

Fit in a Yoga Practice

I know this one is so hard if you’ve got kids (especially babes or toddlers) running around. But try to make a time for yoga or whatever exercise suits you. Yoga with the kiddos can also be fun!

Study Scripture or Something that Nourishes your Soul

If you’re not religious, find something else that brings you peace or inspiration when you read. For me, reading the scriptures gives me clarity and a boost for the day.

Make Space for Peaceful Music

I love my country tunes to death. But sometimes I need to slow down for some slower music that brings peace into my space.

Make To Do Lists

Not crazy to do lists that expect you to do it all, but manageable to do lists. Write down the essentials and then make room for yourself and the things that matter most.



If your holiday plans have got you stressing, maybe you need to simplify a bit more! Simplify your plans, gifts, menus… whatever is stressing you out, it’s okay to let it go!

Reduce Financial Stress by Thrifting and DIYing

Probably one of my favorites! Who ever said you had to buy brand new toys and other gifts? I’ve said it a million times, but the thrift store is a TREASURE TROVE! Get creative with Christmas gifts so you can spend less and smile more.

Start some New Hobbies

Especially when the cold sets in and the nights are long. Find some fun projects and hobbies to dive into! (I’ve recently taken to knitting, embroidery, and candle making. The sky is the limit!)


Connect with Loved Ones

This is getting hard with Covid-19 still threatening to cancel Christmas plans. Do what you can where you are! Whether that’s getting together with your loved ones or making time for video calls, connect! I know virtual game nights have become a huge hit. Why not give it a try?

Connect with Friends

Stay connected with your friends and neighbors. Get together in small groups for games or dinner. If having people over stresses you out, then go out somewhere fun.

As a mom do you find it hard to connect and find fellow mom friends? Then check out these 10 creative ways to connect with new mom friends

Create a more homey Living Space

Is your house or apartment just that? If you’re living space is bringing you down, make it more of a home! Thrift store frames and some family photos or artwork can do a lot to make your space your own.

Spend Time in Nature

Nature is full of power, yet tranquility. Seek refuge from the stress of life in the woods, mountains, wherever you live!

Focus on the Reason for the Season

I know this post is about self love, but honestly the times I’m feeling the most “off” are the times that I really need to do more serving outside myself. Hands down, my best Christmas memories have been made serving my brothers and sisters on this earth. Forget yourself. Forget the presents. Go out and find someone who needs you this season. Remember Jesus and focus on him this Christmas. This alone will do wonders for your holiday season.

Study the Life and Teachings of Jesus

Another favorite for focusing on the season. Studying about Christ during the holidays gives me so much peace and fills me with love and gratitude. Studying the life of Christ daily makes me want to be more like him during this time and throughout the year.

What ideas do you have?

There is seriously SO MUCH we can do to keep our stress levels low while loving this magical time of year. What do you do to keep your stress at a minimum? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below!

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