I never know what to think when my family comes over to stay! They always make comments on how cute and “homey” our apartment is. Of course, this should probably be a compliment. But here’s the thing: our apartment is far from perfect. It is usually messy. When “clean”, it is far from immaculate. Our furniture is a random slew of donations from kind friends and family and thrift store finds. But family still tends to comment whenever they come by.
It’s made me think about what makes our apartment feel like a home. I have always loved visiting the homes that feel like homes. I like when things are clean and put together, but I also like when a home matches the family it belongs to. When it looks real. I’m kind of funny and particular about this. There are certain patterns and styles that, while nice, I won’t use because they don’t look “real” enough. I think Carter is still trying to understand ;). But for those who care, here’s some little things I’ve noticed that we do that have helped our house feel more homey.
Just a disclaimer. I DO NOT believe that objects make a home. While they can make things look more pleasing or comfortable, I really believe that it is the meaning behind these things that make our home what it is.
Personal and Meaningful Artwork.
I absolutely LOVE art and find it is a wonderful way to add personality to your home without taking up extra space. Getting artwork and photos on our walls was one of my first priorities when we moved in. But I think what makes our artwork unique is that every single piece is personal. Whether gifts, heirlooms, or from our travels, each has a meaning that goes beyond asthetic appeal.
Using our Dried Herbs.
This one is funny to me, because sometimes I feel like it looks pretty junky. The dark basement window well and poor lighting don’t help. And the fact that Carter harvested the mint from an overgrown patch in his Grandma’s yard,so it looks a bit mangy.
But my mom seems to comment on our herbs every time she comes over. So I guess there’s some appeal!
We honestly just love being able to pull from our home-grown herbs whenever our senses call for it. Whether for cooking dinner or brewing our own herbal teas, using our own herbs makes for a special feel 🙂
The Postcard Wall.
This is one of my favorite things in our home! I have always loved collecting post cards, but they would always sit in a drawer or box, forgotten. This way we can be reminded of the fun travels we have had, as well as keep our vision set on whatever the next trip we are planning 🙂 Again, it is personal to us and almost always attracts a conversation when new people come to visit!
Imperfect Family Photos.
I love a nice family photo. But sometimes I feel like they can get so stiff an void of emotion! While most of our current photos are wedding and engagements, I love putting up the ones that show our personality. The ones that are real and show we really love each other!
Carefully Selected Thrift Store Gems
I absolutely LOVE shopping at the thrift store, but I have to be so careful not to buy every exciting (and so cheap!) thing I find. But there are some gems that I am absolutely in love with and that add so much to the character of our home. Some people need a perfectly matching home. For me, there is a homey warmness that comes with having things that are “cohesively not cohesive”. If that makes any sense ;). Rather than buying all kitchen items from one store that match perfectly, I buy one when I find what I absolutely love. Then when I find something else I love, I add that to the collection. Eventually, you have an entire kitchen of dishes and decor that you absolutely love. While it wasn’t made to match perfectly, because it’s all my style it matches in a more homey-cottage type of way 😉
Meaningful Keepsakes and Decor
I think most everything in our home is meaningful to one of us in some way. Carter lived in Germany, and I in Québec, so we each have special items from the areas we lived in and from the people we worked with. Those personal items add so much meaning to our home. Rather than being empty decor we got from the store, each has its own story! This adds so much to our home.
I think what it comes down to is personality. Whatever your style and personality, let that bleed through into your home design. For me, that means cozy, sometimes mix-and-matched items. It means weekly trips to the thrift store, so we’re always ready to jump on a treasure when we find it. Just keeping your eyes peeled for the perfect wall hanging or set of plates. I think the best homes are built piece by piece, with a mix of old and new items.