
So lately I’ve been getting so excited working on so many things. Making homemade cleaning products, organizing and decorating our apartment, switching to more natural living, sustainability, seeking community and connection with others…

These things are wonderful. It’s exciting and satisfying. I feel so good after using my own homemade dishwasher detergent or making a new essential oil roll-on. But getting so caught up in all of these exciting changes, I feel it is so easy to forget the purpose behind it all. I get so caught up in all the little things that I lose sight of the big picture.

I find myself craving to reconnect with my Savior, with Jesus Christ. I know all these things I’m doing are good, wonderful things. But if I forget the heart of it all, life really loses its meaning. I believe there is more to life than simply switching to unprocessed foods and natural products. I need to remind myself more of the why.

I do it because our bodies are gifts. I truly believe that our bodies were one of the greatest gifts our Heavenly Parents gave to us as part of their Plan of Happiness. We have a responsibility to take care of our bodies. To nourish them. To keep them strong and healthy. To avoid things that will lessen our bodies’ abilities to function at their fullest and keep clarity of mind. I do it for my body, my mind, and my soul.

That’s really what got me down on this whole path of wellness and holistic health. Realizing all that feeds into keeping our whole soul well. Nutrition, physical lifestyle, environment, self-perception, hobbies, comfort. These all feed into it. But I think I often get lost in the means and lose side of the end. I forget about feeding my whole soul and, again, the why behind that end.

I lose sight of where my soul came from. That this body and spirit made by God created me, a living soul. That my life is more than this brief early existence, but that it spans for eternity in both directions. I sometimes lose sight of my Heavenly Parents. Of Mother who nurtures and comforts in her quiet, often overlooked place. Who trusted me enough to pass the mantle of motherhood onto me, despite my imperfections. Of Father who I communicate with through prayer and who has sent me so much, who has overwhelmed me with his love in my moments of pain or feeling lost. I sometimes forget to focus on their son, my big brother, Jesus Christ. The one who suffered it all so that I wouldn’t have to. The one who made continuing to live possible. The one who stands as the perfect, selfless, compassionate, patient example.

I forget that They are the ones who love me unconditionally, regardless of what I haven’t or have done. The ones who love me whether or not my home is clean, whether or not I detoxify my home or make homemade goods. The ones who love me even when I forget to love them.

So yes, I love transforming trash into treasures, taking care of our beautiful earth because this, too, was an amazing gift from Them. I love finding ways to nurture our bodies in healthier ways and creating things with my hands. But in all this, I can’t forget my foundation. I can’t forget the why.

I need to remember all that I was sent to earth to do. Learn, gain experience, develop my talents, yes. But also, and above all, love God and love my neighbors. I need to remember to love and serve, to be compassionate, to really act as a disciple of Christ in all facets of my life. I need to share the hopeful message of life after death and progressing forever with our families.

Father, help me to remember. Help me to be strong and an example. Mother, give me strength to love and nurture as you do. Brother, help me to be like you. To lose myself in service so I can really find myself.

If you read this whole post, thanks for sticking around! I would love to hear how you stay centered with everything there is to juggle in the day. What are the things that remind you of the why in your life?

One thing I am now working on is the “spiritual” section of our living room wall. I am compiling a few pieces of artwork that really speak to me, keep me centered, and remind me of what is most important in my relationship with God. (Stay tuned to see the family picture and art gallery wall I’ve been working on!) Below are links to some of my favorite art pieces and artists whose work I would love to add to our home. Do you have a favorite piece of art that helps keep you centered? Religious or not, I would love to see it in the comments!

A Heavenly Family Print by MAliceAbrams (I recently discovered this Etsy shop and have several of her prints in my cart. I love her work!)

Caitlin Connolly. All of her work speaks to me. She has got some beautiful pieces of our Heavenly Parents and Heavenly Family and I love the voice she gives to women through her art. I also love this image of Christ for sale on her Etsy shop.

I have also always loved the art of Minerva Teichert (died in 1976). I found that you can purchase prints of her work at the BYU MOA Store.

In the past few years I have also discovered Kate Lee’s art, which I think is beautiful! I would love to get her nativity, Love’s Pure Light

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