It’s hard to believe that school is starting up in just a few days! While many fellow “mom bloggers” are busy preparing for their children to go back to school, it’s interesting finding myself in a different boat… preparing for myself to go back to school. Before baby was born the prospect sounded so easy. READ MORE
Tag: Motherhood
A Solemn Responsibility- Cherishing marriage after baby comes
I have always been struck by this phrase: Husband and Wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other… The Family: A Proclamation to the World, The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Yes, the proclamation continues to talk of the responsibility to love and care READ MORE
Sweet Exhaustion
These past weeks since Peter’s birth have been the most exhausting I have ever experienced. For a couple days, he was ready to eat EVERY HOUR, day and night. I was exhausted, had so much to get done but couldn’t do ANY OF IT, and I was getting a little emotionally unstable! It seemed I READ MORE