What if we loved the way we wish others would love.
Nurtured, protected, fought for our neighbors.
What if we fought for the earth. This gift from above?
Sought to learn and teach from its bounty.
What if we sought to love beyond ourselves?
If our love of God went beyond the church meetinghouse?
What if love led us to ACT. To speak out for the voices that can’t speak. To speak out for those who we can’t understand. To speak out for those who have been speaking, unheard.
What if we filled the world with kindness?
Instead of hate and anger and frustration. Filled each other with the love we crave. Instead of taking, we just gave and gave.
What if we all saw each other as we are.
Looked beyond differences. Colors, beliefs, affiliations, whatever.
Just children of our earth. Children of God. Children wandering and learning an exploring. Children struggling to figure it out together.
What if we turned over the hate? Just gave into love.
Left it to God to judge and instead looked as Christ would.
Because Christ would love every neighbor he saw. He would love us looking past our biggest vice. He would love us with the beam still in our eye. He would love us for who we are and who we can become.
He would seek to unite us in love. He would look on our hearts, their most sacred parts. He wouldn’t judge us for our regrets, but who we strive to become. He would love, heal, and make us whole. As individuals and as a people.