What if we

What if we loved the way we wish others would love. Nurtured, protected, fought for our neighbors. What if we fought for the earth. This gift from above? Sought to learn and teach from its bounty. What if we sought to love beyond ourselves? If our love of God went beyond the church meetinghouse? What READ MORE


So lately I’ve been getting so excited working on so many things. Making homemade cleaning products, organizing and decorating our apartment, switching to more natural living, sustainability, seeking community and connection with others… These things are wonderful. It’s exciting and satisfying. I feel so good after using my own homemade dishwasher detergent or making a READ MORE

Trust in His Timing

Headed to our hypnobirthing labor class last week, we had been given an assignment to talk about what fears/concerns/limiting thoughts might hold us back from having the birth we wanted. What fears did we have about bringing our infant into the world? Earlier that day I had brainstormed a big, long list. Fear of the READ MORE