Trust in His Timing

Headed to our hypnobirthing labor class last week, we had been given an assignment to talk about what fears/concerns/limiting thoughts might hold us back from having the birth we wanted. What fears did we have about bringing our infant into the world?

Earlier that day I had brainstormed a big, long list. Fear of the labor process itself. Changes to our marital relationship. Tied down and home bound. Financial changes. How do you take care of a baby?? Mental health. Date nights. Schooling.

There’s a whole slew of concerns.

Because of our crazy schedule, we weren’t able to discuss our list of concerns until we were in the car driving to class.

Finances. Stress.

“To be honest, I kind of had to fish for my answers”, Carter said (something to that effect), after bringing up only one or two concerns.

How could he think of so few concerns? I had a whole list written down at home. Genuine concerns that I still don’t have all the answers to.

But while Carter could probably think of a list of concerns, he had one buffer that was keeping him above it all.


Trust that this is God’s will and timing for us. That starting our family is the most important thing we can be doing right now.

He knows of the financial strain that comes when you welcome a baby into the world. And we’re already straining as it is. He knows the messes, tears, and stress. But he also knows that God makes it work out every time because it is God’s plan. God wouldn’t give us a commandment without the means to fulfill it.

So although there are genuine fears about welcoming an infant into the world, our foundation in Christ will keep us centered through it all.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Philippians 4:13

Somehow we know that this is true. We weren’t planning to have kids yet. But when the feeling came, I knew I had to discuss it with Carter. I was terrified to bring it up. Kind of embarrassed, even. And then I got pregnant so soon after deciding we’d be open to it. It all happened in a flurry. While some initial anxiety and nerves set in, we were able to move forward with faith and trust. I was terrified when that test showed up positive. But now every time I feel our little baby kick, I know he’s been sent to us for a reason.

I can’t imagine the feeling we will have as we hold our son in our arms. The life that we created. In partnership with God. In the way and timing that God intended for us.

To me, that is truly remarkable. And the miracle of this life surpasses my fear of the unknown.

I’m so grateful for Carter’s trust in God and for his reminder that TRUST is most important. I don’t know everything, but I do know that God has a plan for our little family. I know that he loves us. I know he’ll help us make it no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. Already, we have been abundantly blessed. ♥

To learn more about our faith and God’s plan, visit

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