I am relieved to know that I am not the first pregnant woman to experience constant hunger. Before getting pregnant, I was already used to asking for “second breakfast” by 10:30 or 11. Now with this little babe on the way, I’ve upgraded to the whole deal. “Elevensies, lunch, dinner, supper”… you get my drift. (and hopefully someone out there besides Carter gets my reference 😉 ).
Carter teases me endlessly… but looking into pregnancy symptoms, it appears I am not alone! Honestly, keeping a constant flow of food has been the best thing in avoiding morning sickness! As long as I have kept a happy stomach, I am fine! (although I have been VERY blessed as far as sickness goes… almost none at all!)
The funny thing is, the amount of food it takes to keep said stomach happy varies so much from day to day. Some days I’ll eat first breakfast and be fine until a late lunch in the afternoon. Other days I am eating third breakfast and “elevensies” in the time Carter eats one breakfast. It’s a constant struggle. But I am learning to always keep snacks on hand. This can be fun because no one can judge me for constantly eating, but can be OH SO dangerous! So far I have only had healthy pregnancy weight gain, and I do not want that to change. So how do you satisfy pregnancy hunger while keeping a healthy pregnancy? Here are five simple tips that have helped me:
Keep the unhealthy snacks FAR AWAY.
This one is probably the most crucial. For me at least. I don’t typically crave the unhealthy stuff until it’s right in front of me. But once I have one bite, I can’t stop. I find that avoiding buying or making these things altogether is definitely the easiest route!
Keep HEALTHY snacks on hand.
This one goes hand-in-hand with the last. Sometimes unhealthy snacks are the go-to because they are just easy. Non-perishable, grab-and-go, just practical. To combat that, it sometimes takes some extra preparation on my part. Buying individual yogurt servings or dividing the big containers into serving-sized jars has been helpful. Also, buying easily portable fruits, like apples and oranges, is great. Cheese sticks and carrot sticks are also great.
Keep the rest of your day in mind.
In my quest to eat more balanced meals, it has payed off to keep our day’s menu in mind. Sometimes I know dinner will be super veggie-packed and don’t feel as bad splurging on a high-carb snack. But on days when we already have high-carb meals planned, I try to snack in the food groups I am lacking in! This is usually dairy, so an extra yogurt or cheese is great!
Capitalize on the healthy cravings.
You have to jump on them when they come. I’ll admit I’ve had my days when I only want ice cream or brownies. But when the healthy cravings do come, I try not to limit myself! The last few weeks I have been craving smoothies all day long. Carter teased me the day I finished my smoothie, then immediately asked him if he wanted another as soon as the first was gone! Maybe it’s a bit much, but I do not feel a tinge of guilt eating another smoothie! Especially when sneaking veggies in too! So despite the teasing that you’ve had 4 smoothies or salads already, just keep on munching! Your body and your baby will only thank you 🙂
Try coming up with healthy substitutes for cravings.
I know this one isn’t always practical. Sometimes you just need those brownies or Doritos, and I am a firm believer that you should indulge and treat yourself once in a while! But maybe sometimes you can come up with a compromise. On the day I wanted only sweets I convinced myself to eat a fruit smoothie and a yogurt. I also ate some ice cream and cookies… but at least I added some good to the balance! It’s not always going to be perfect, and sometimes it is okay to give in to those cravings. But it doesn’t hurt to sneak some extra nutrients in where we can. Instead of a milkshake, try a smoothie and sneak some extra spinach, avocado, carrots, or oats in (I wouldn’t recommend doing all four if you’ve got a sweet tooth, though. It’s an acquired taste.. 😉 . There are also high fiber brownie recipes that call for blended black beans! Homemade ice cream can be made with frozen bananas and other add-ins. Be creative. Listen to your body, and don’t forget to treat yourself once in a while.
I know this won’t solve all problems, but it most definitely will help! If you’re eating habits haven’t been the best, START SMALL. Take little steps. Maybe throw a carrot or two in while munching on chips and salsa. Consider making homemade versions, rather than store-bought processed versions. Whatever your craving, there is almost always a healthier alternative. Just start where you are 🙂
So best of luck to you and your healthy snacking! Please comment below with your healthy snacking tips and any favorite snacks that help you plug along through pregnancy! I’d love to hear your input!