A year of Becoming

It’s nice to finally sit down to work on some blogging! Life feels so crazy and I now have so much more respect for all the mom bloggers out there who actually do it! Something tells me that life isn’t going to get any less crazy, but that somehow I’ve got to take charge of my days and prioritize for what I want to do and who I want to become. Part of this includes blogging goals, so let’s hope I can keep moving forward here on the blog!

It’s crazy to think where 2019 has taken us. This time last year we had just told family and friends that we were pregnant. We still referred to baby Peter as “Baby Basil”, who was only the size of a peach. Now here he is nearly crawling, chewing on boxes while I try to get some blogging done 😉 My heart is full as I reflect on this year. 2019 has been a beautiful year of learning and growth. It has had some really hard times, yet also had some remarkable moments of strength and empowerment. As I look forward to another year, I can’t help but want to set goals for myself. Ever since I served my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ in Québec, I realize how goals can propel me forward and help me become who I want to be.

So at this time of goal setting, this is where I choose to look- BECOMING. With all my goal setting, I love to look at who these actions are helping me to become. If they become empty accomplishments, they don’t bring me anywhere. So I reflect on who I would like to BE. Then I write a series of specific things that will help me to be that person.

This year, I want to BE a greater disciple of Christ. I have been reflecting on my time as a missionary and feel that I have lost a lot of the spiritual fire that I once had. I want to be a disciple as a mother, wife, and friend. I want others to look to me as a source of God’s love. I think that this expands beyond my spiritual relationship with God and my relationship with others. It means serving more selflessly, prioritizing my marriage relationship, caring for our beautiful earth, caring for my body and mind, and spending less time with technology. It means creating a home where love and the spirit can abide, a place of protection and peace for our family. Taking this vision of what it means to be who I want to be helps me then make SMART goals. Specific, measurable, etc. Baby steps to work toward the whole.

So here’s to a year of becoming. To working in little ways a day at a time to become who we want to become. Here’s to simplicity because there’s lots more I want to share on this topic, but a baby who needs his mama! I’m realizing that if I want to meet my goals, sometimes I need to simplify them so they’re within reach of today’s possibilities 😉 .

So happy new year and happy goal setting! Comment below with who you want to BE this year!

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