I never know what to think when my family comes over to stay! They always make comments on how cute and “homey” our apartment is. Of course, this should probably be a compliment. But here’s the thing: our apartment is far from perfect. It is usually messy. When “clean”, it is far from immaculate. Our READ MORE
Author: Heather
Kickin’ in There- Dealing with Second Trimester Hunger
Do you struggle to keep your pregnancy cravings at bay? Try these easy tips to improve your snacking habits.
How to Make the First Year of Marriage the BEST year
I have heard over and over again that the first year of marriage is the hardest. With financial stresses, busy lives, and the reality of life, I was not surprised to hear this. Knowing that marriage brings many adjustments and mountains to climb, I was expecting some hard times. I saw small glimpses as Carter READ MORE
Proud to be a Woman
Bullets shooting through the air. The cries of injured men. The whiz and whirl of modern warfare. And suddenly the world turns to see a woman striding through it all- empowering the ally forces to push forward in combat. To hold their resolve and finish the fight. Staring in awe that a woman is responsible READ MORE
Simple Things
Lately I have been struck with how complicated we make our lives. From hobbies to home decor, there is always a pursuit for more. I attend an entrepreneur lecture series, and on day one our speaker said something that struck me. It was something to this effect: “No matter how much money you make, you READ MORE
Germany at Christmas Time- a Winter Travel Guide
This winter Carter and I were able to go back to Germany and part of Austria for Christmas time! This is one thing we wanted to do before the kids come… knowing that once our hands are full with little munchkins there will be little time or funds for trips like this! So knowing a READ MORE
Creating a Minimalist Home
Do you ever feel like life distracts from life? Lately I have felt like life gets so cluttered with stuff. I love new clothes, cute dishes, and knickknacks from the thrift store. Carter loves guns, tools, and free stuff from campus fairs. It seems like it’s a constant battle to keep these things at bay. READ MORE
And They Twain Shall be One
To be honest, I am not the biggest fan of Valentine’s day. I’ve always thought people did too much on one day and too little on every other day of the year to show their love. We should celebrate every day. I’m not much of a fan about the frills and pink hearts, and I’m definitely READ MORE
Preparing For Baby
Yikes. I remember the day we found out we were pregnant. I had missed my period within the first month after going off birth control. Kind of freaking out because I was not expecting it to happen this fast, I read up beforehand and found that a lot of women actually missed their periods in the READ MORE
Why the Fabric Bags? Tips for living in a more earth-friendly way.
We live in a world of convenience. We use paper plates and plastic bags because it takes less planning on our part. We use only public trash cans because it’s too much work to sort out our recycling. Many don’t even have a place to sort recycling in their home. They have the pickup service READ MORE