How I’m Preparing for my Natural Birth – Round 2!

This pregnancy has gone so much faster than my first, now that I have a little toddler running around and keeping me busy! I can’t believe we are already into the third trimester and have just over 2 months before little one comes our way!

I’m starting to think again about our birth plan and trying to do those things that will help me be prepared for our birth day. I am so excited to deliver again! If you haven’t already, read Peter’s beautiful birth story here. I’m so glad I recorded that experience so soon after he was born. I was blessed to have the unmedicated vaginal birth I had planned. My husband was there as an amazing support and my sister, acting as doula, was motivating and supportive to him and I. This time around I felt even more prepared going into my pregnancy. I knew what I wanted with my birth and I already had some tools ready to help me. My main preparation during my first pregnancy was to take a hypnobirthing class and read one or two books on childbirth. I also watched lots of POSITIVE birth videos and read over birth affirmations.

This time around, I know what helped last time. I know what I need to keep doing and I’ve also realized some things I could add to make this pregnancy even better and hopefully the birth itself as well! So here’s what I’m doing to prepare for my second natural childbirth.

Regular Prenatal Yoga

I did a little yoga here and there during my last pregnancy, but since becoming a teacher and recently becoming prenatal certified specifically, I am diving deeper into the amazing benefits of practicing yoga throughout pregnancy. Yoga is an AMAZING way to prepare for childbirth, from strengthening and opening your body to helping to learn relaxation and breathing. To read more amazing benefits of prenatal yoga, check out this post!

Reviewing all the Birth Material

I learned so much in the hypnobirthing class we took during my first pregnancy! While I don’t plan to take the class again, I am reviewing all the material they gave me. Reading all the books I can from naturally minded birth workers, reviewing birth positions, just making sure it is still fresh in my brain! (Read more from our experience with hypnobirthing).

Refresh my Husband

Just as important as refreshing myself is making sure that my husband is refreshed and ready to be my support partner again! I want to make sure he feels comfortable with different labor positions, breathing techniques, and even watches some more birth videos so we can both feel ready for whatever birth tosses us.

Educate Yourself on the Evidence

Evidence Based Birth is an amazing website for researching all sorts of practices and procedures related to birth and your new baby. I am working to educate myself even more than last time, looking into all the interventions that might be offered to both myself and my baby. I want to be prepared and knowledgeable to respond appropriately to whatever is offered (or pushed) in my direction.

Hire a Doula

Hands down, I want a doula again! I’m so blessed to have an amazing older sister who is trained as a doula. While family members can be great support during labor, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you get a doula or communicate clearly with your support people what you expect/need from them during birth. I didn’t want people standing around to watch me labor. I didn’t want people jumping in to “help” in annoying ways (that sounds rude, but in labor, you really just want the actually helpful stuff!). I wanted support who had a job and knew exactly how to help and support me in what I needed. My doula and husband were never just standing around. They were always busy, supporting me and reminding me of what I had practiced, or communicating my needs to the nurses. Make sure you and your support people are on the same page. Doulas are awesome 🙂

Prenatal Herbs – Raspberry Leaf and Nettle Leaves

I have only just started to touch the surface when it comes to herbal & food medicine, but let me tell you about two amazing herbs for pregnancy! While raspberry leaf is proven to help tone the uterus, leading to more efficient labors, it is also full of amazing nutrients the body needs (especially during pregnancy!) and can even help boost your milk supply after delivery! Nettle (dried stinging nettle!) is a super herb, full of nearly EVERY vitamin and mineral known to be necessary for humans. Tell me that’s not amazing! Both of these nourishing teas are GREAT to drink throughout your pregnancy! If you are interested in learning more about herbs for pregnancy, postpartum, and fertility, check out this amazing book The Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year.

Self Care Practices

My postpartum experience following my first birth taught me the importance of self care. If I’m not healthy and happy, I can’t provide for the needs of my little one or anyone else! I am trying to build up the good habits now so I have self care routines and practices after the birth of my baby.

Preparing for my Postpartum

This goes hand in hand with the self care, but there are specific things I have learned about postpartum healing and recovery. I want to make space for myself. Allow myself healing and rest. Be unafraid to ask for help. I have specific healing meals planned that I know will nourish my tender postpartum body and spirit. I really look forward to this time of healing and reflection!

Preparing to Set Boundaries with Visitors

It can be so hard to say no when everyone wants to come and see your new baby! One choice we made with our first birth was to turn away visitors that day he was born. I love this decision! We were in the hospital, so all our physical needs were met. (Were we at home I might have accepted one or two helpful visitors). This gave us time to bond with our baby but also to REST! It’s okay to tell your family and friends no. It’s okay to turn away visitors for the first days or even weeks if that’s what you and your family need! Give yourself space to heal and bond. You and your baby need and deserve it!

What have you done to prepare for your beautiful birth? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

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