The Lowly Worm

I can’t believe the bipolarity of this Utah weather. We woke up to a rainy forecast, only to find it beautiful while walking up to campus. In my first class, I couldn’t believe the blizzard that lasted most of the 75 minutes and then some. I could hardly see as I made my way to the library. I ran home a few hours later and the clouds were clearing to reveal blue sky. I could start to feel the sun just as flakes of snow began to fall again. I don’t know how it snows while nothing but blue skies and fluffy clouds are above! Twenty minutes later I was back on campus and the weather was beautiful. The sun was shining and I couldn’t wear my coat it was so warm! And all while the forecast still said nothing but rain, rain, rain.

Gotta love springtime in Utah. Be sure to wear your winter coat, jacket, and shorts. Bring winter boots, rain boots, and a pair of sandals. You can use them all in one day ;). Craziness…

But anyway. As I walked back toward campus I saw the guy in front of me bend down and grab a sad little landlocked worm. I observed somewhat in disgust. I hate worms, they just creep me out. And I hate when this rainy weather washes them all out of the grass and flower beds, onto the sidewalk where they float around awaiting their imminent death. I hate the game of “don’t step on the worms” and must do all I can to avoid getting their slimy worm guts on my feet.

So I was a bit surprised when I saw this guy bend down and grab this little worm. I wondered what in the world he would possibly do with this worm.

But then he casually tossed it into the adjacent flower bed and went on his way.

He saved that little worm’s life!

He had no idea anyone was watching, let alone cared, that he had bent down to do so. I was surprisingly moved by his simple gesture. Seriously the smallest, most insignificant thing. I’m sure thousands of worms die after a rainstorm. I see them either squished or dried up on the sidewalk. I assume there is no judgment in heaven for those who leave the worms by the wayside. One little worm surely does not make a difference. I don’t even know how self-aware that little worm is. But to this guy, stopping to put the worm back in his home made a difference.

I want to be the person who stops to pick up a little worm. Who stops to say “hi” or helps a person in a seemingly insignificant way. Those little acts that seem so insignificant. I want to do those acts. And I invite you to find a “lowly worm” you can rescue too. Maybe it’s a worm, a friend you know, or grabbing a piece of litter on the street. As small and insignificant as it may seem, you never know the scope of your action. Maybe it won’t make a difference. Maybe your little “drop” of contribution will evaporate just like that. Or maybe someone else will see and then someone else after them. Who knows- maybe you’ll collect enough drops to make a wave of little insignificant deeds. Maybe an ocean. Maybe your insignificant acts will turn into something truly significant.

Maybe this little worm will get washed up again in the next storm and won’t be so lucky. Maybe he didn’t even make it through today. But at least next time maybe I, too, will stop and save a lowly worm’s life.

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