I am so excited to finally share this post that I wrote back in MARCH. Just days before the craziness of Covid 19 hit us. Given those circumstances and the strict social distancing guidelines, I didn’t feel like it was the best time to share about getting together with groups of moms. But I feel like it’s time to share this post. We need connection. We need the support of others in similar situations. Let us connect and strengthen, regardless of how that must look given current circumstances.
Lately I have thought a lot about connection. Since having a baby of my own I have realized how many moms live in isolation. At least in this stage of life. I haven’t been in the later stages yet so I guess I don’t really know. Sitting in the other room breastfeeding your baby. Sleep deprived from getting up to prepare a bottle multiple times each night. Fear of going out with a new baby during flu season.
I have talked to other new mom friends and so often they express that they feel like they are the only one. Noone else is crying because it hurts so bad to nurse. Or because they still haven’t taken a shower. This feeling makes them feel embarrassed, ashamed, inadequate… and they respond by sitting alone at home day after day. Numbed by the repetition of talking to one who doesn’t respond or understand, constantly changing dirty diapers, and savoring the few moments they have to themselves.
My sweet sister posted this image a while back @maidentomother
Moms have this habit of struggling and often suffering through the same things, yet they don’t realize it! They suffer through it alone.
We live in a world with so much potential for connection, yet we live with few, if any, connections. We lack a strong sense of community. We lack a tribe or circle we can call home.
So I have made it my goal to connect more with other moms this year. I want to create real, genuine connections and offer real support and love to my sweet sisters in motherhood. I’ve started hosting “Mom Hangouts”. We do crafts, talk, eat… whatever we feel like doing. Really, it’s just intended to be a time for connection.
I’ve been trying to think about different ways moms can connect. We all have different needs and interests and I believe you can find what will bring like-minded women into your circle. So here you have 10 ways to connect with other mothers in your community.
Book club
A friend of mine had the idea to start a book club a few months back and I have loved it for so many reasons. It has gotten me back into reading, which I had not done for myself in years! I love the thought-provoking conversations we have had via our book club meetings.
Host or attend a women’s circle
Check out this article to learn more about women’s circles and starting your own.
Attend Postpartum fitness classes (or start your own!)
You might be surprised by what is available in your area! Gyms aren’t in everyone’s budget. One of our local hospitals has a free pregnancy/postpartum yoga class. Ask around on Facebook marketplace. Or start your own class/exercise club! My latest idea is to do weekly yoga at the park for moms in the community… I’m hopeful to get that going this summer or maybe next year after covid (hopefully) mellows down.
Upcycling or Craft days
I hosted one of these last month and it was so fun! Have everyone bring all the craft stuff they’ll probably never use and see how you can work together to use up the excess! Some of my current projects are weaving a denim rug out of old jeans, turning old shirts into baby clothes, and using baby food jars to make my own candles. You can click here to read about how to make your own beeswax candles.
Offer to teach a skill
Piano lessons? Crocheting? Maple tree tapping? (this is a class we attended and loved!) Post an announcement on Facebook and you can probably find people interested in whatever your area of expertise!
Host a clothing swap (women’s or children’s clothing)
I have been dying to host my own clothing swap. Hopefully I can make it happen soon! Find more on that here.
Start a play group
This way you and the kids are both entertained!
Lactation clubs/la leche league
I still have never attended, but my sister loves the community she has met through la leech league. Find a La leche league group near you
Mommy and Me classes
There are all sorts of classes and play times intended for parent and child. Our library does story time and I have seen art and music classes too! Our hospital has free classes about all things baby/parenthood which is also probably a great place to meet other women new to the mama business.
Video Call with Sisters, Mom, Cousins, Etc.
Use technology to your advantage! While technology often seems to drift us further away from meaningful connection, we can definitely use it to our advantage. I probably video call my mom and older sister almost every day. It’s nice to have the support and someone to talk to when the day is completely crazy. I love being able to chat with my sister (who is also a young mama) about our adventures and struggles with motherhood.
Motherhood is hard, whether you are a full time stay at home or some combination of work and home. We tend to struggle through so many of the same things alone and never realize that others have felt the same way. So I encourage you to look around for opportunities in your community. Nothing that suites you? Start your own group! I’m sure you can find like-minded mamas out there if you put yourself out there ♥ (I know it’s scary but so worth it!).
Be strong, mama! Don’t suffer alone. ♥
Please comment below with your ideas or if you try any of the ideas I listed!
I love this post!! Community is so important ♥️♥️♥️