I don’t know about you, but I absolutely LOVE shopping for baby clothes. I’ve gotten to the point where I just don’t care as much about shopping for my own clothes. I have more than enough clothes already and am trying to create my own capsule wardrobe. Shopping for myself just doesn’t bring the excitement that it used to! So what fuels my love of shopping? Baby shopping!
I love that my baby (really a toddler now) is always growing, so there is always shopping to do. Haha!
While this can be so fun, buying baby clothes can get SO EXPENSIVE! I am so blown away that most full-priced baby items cost as much as adult sized items. Add in a desire to shop sustainably and thoughts of saving money seem to fly out the window, right?
WRONG! I’m here to tell you that you can still have fun creating a darling wardrobe for your baby while staying within a budget and not breaking bank. It’s possible. It’s even easy… and I personally find it more fun!
Here are some of my top tips for creating a budget-friendly sustainable wardrobe for baby 🙂

Plan a capsule wardrobe
Before you buy anything, deciding to create a capsule wardrobe is probably the best thing you could do for both sustainability and your budget!
You spend less because you end up buying fewer items. Textile waste and production is reduced because you’re not buying and (eventually) getting rid of as much. On top of this, you will have more space, have an easier time getting your kiddos ready each day (no looking for the one pair of pants that goes with the shirt…), probably be happier with your husband (why would you pair that shirt with those pants???), and altogether feel more relaxed and on top of things. Capsules for kiddos are definitely the way to go.
There are big long posts devoted to how to build a capsule wardrobe, but here are some simple basics:
Choose a color palette (with babies it is easy to choose a seasonal color palette since they’ll likely be in a new size each season… have fun choosing different color schemes for each new clothing size OR go for more neutral colors that will work for any season)
Focus on the basics. Rather than purchasing every sweater, dress, etc. that you love, go out with a plan. How many of each item do you really need? What type of each item would be best? Again, there are many helpful resources available telling you how many of each item is best for certain ages. I would also take into account your own lifestyle and how often you need to to wash.
When shopping, look for individual items (pants, shirts, etc), not sets that only go with one item
Thrift Stores
This is hands down my favorite way to shop and where I have gotten 90% + of bitty boy’s clothing. To me, thrift shopping is an adventure. It’s a treasure hunt as I look through the outdated items and find something that’s really unique and special. You never know when you’re going to hit jackpot!
Not only is thrift shopping a very cheap option, but it also gives all those little clothes another chance and saves on production and textile waste. Many thrifted baby items have never been used or were only used a handful of times. You can get practically new baby clothing for only a few dollars!
Because you never know when you’ll find the right items, a downside to building your baby’s wardrobe from thrift shopping is you probably can’t do it all in one trip. Thrift success takes time and diligence and many trips to the thrift store to find all the treasures.
If you’ve got the time, frequent the thrift store often over an extended period of time, looking for gently used items that fit with your capsule wardrobe. If you have less time, go once or twice and do your best. Then fill in the gaps with these other options below!
One more plus of shopping thrift stores… I don’t feel bad when stains find their way onto our baby clothes (which they inevitably will!). I love the peace of mind knowing that these clothing items did not cost me a fortune and that it’s okay if baby has a blow out on his or her onesie…
Borrow from friends and family
Do you know people close to you who have a similar clothing style for their babies? Don’t be afraid to borrow clothing from those close to you! Do you both already have kids? Try doing a swap where you both benefit, borrowing the items that fit the needs of your kiddos!
Host a clothing swap/trade
Maybe you’ve heard of clothing swaps… a fun way of purging your closet while coming away with something in return!
Try hosting a clothing swap for infant and toddler clothes with friends, neighbors, and others in your community. Arrange for everyone to bring the clothing items they no longer need and then have a big party switching out for sizes and items you do need. The idea is that everyone comes away with something new and it’s completely free. You might even come away with some new mom friends!
Shop Sustainable Baby/Children’s Clothing Companies
I’m sure I’m not the only one that follows a few small shop clothing brands on Instagram but never buys anything because they are so expensive.. haha! There are so many darling baby clothes out there and many brands that are committing to make their clothes more sustainably. But how do you shop at these stores without breaking bank? Here are a few tips…
Shop clearance. While many sustainable clothing brands are too pricey for my when full-priced, clearance items come out at a very reasonable price! When it comes to both thrifting and clearance, sometimes you have to look ahead a couple months. Don’t have the size you want for right now? How about the next size up? Creating cute wardrobes on a budget means looking ahead and grabbing an item sometimes months in advance when you find the perfect thing.
Here are some sustainable clothing brands I LOVE that have good clearance deals to watch out for.
Kate Quinn This shop actually has a LOT of really reasonably priced clearance items that are absolutely darling!
Mini & Meep I love the darling hand-painted designs on these baby, toddler, (and MAMA!) organic tees and onesies. Sustainably made AND a shop with a cause, this is a great small business to support!
H&M They’ve got some darling baby clothes and some awesome clearance deals. Their Conscious line is specifically made to be both organic and sustainable.
Rent baby clothes
Many online shops are popping up that offer rental of your child’s wardrobe! This is an awesome option, although prices definitely vary on rented options. You may find that this is the perfect option for you! Here are a few different options to get you started.
Create your own baby clothing!
This is a fun option for those willing to break out the sewing machine or the knitting/crochet supplies! Get creative turning your own used dresses, shirts, or pants into cute baby outfits. If you want to start simple, try making bows or bonnets before you move onto more complex projects. This can be so fun!
I have also started knitting recently and love making baby items! They are much less overwhelming because they are tiny. You can make anything you put your mind to… socks, sweaters, overalls.. and they are so so cute!
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